Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Repblican Primaries

Iowa: 1st: Mitt Romney 2nd Rick Santorum 3rd Ron Paul.

Mitt Romney was the evident front runner for Iowa, having ran in 2008 and already established support of much of the Republicans.  He also had the money and the influence to get votes. Rick Santorum, however, a man who did not have the money nor the influence. A man who flies coach instead of first class. A man with no endorsements or even media recognition places second in Iowa only eight votes behind Romney. Rick Santourm proves that old fashion door knocking and charisma can go a long way. Lastly, Ron Paul. I am not against constitutionalists but Ron Paul in particular, I don't know why people vote for Ron Paul in the first place. I would call his success a fluke of the media. On to Rick Perry. He would be a decent president expect for the fact he cannot talk in public to save his life. I think he is out of this election after this showing of spending millions of dollars advertising, and coming out nearly last.

Perry Spent 4.5 million dollars! On Iowa alone. He got around 12,440 votes of the 120,000. Rick Perry spent around 365 dollars per vote.

Romney spent a fourth of what Perry did, (1.47m) and came out with more than twice the votes 29,847. This means he spent only $50 dollars a vote.

The big winner, however, is Santourm. Who didn't spend millions but 20,000 dollars in Iowa, and came out with 29,841 votes. This means he spent less than 75 cents a vote.

New Hampshire: 1st Mitt Romney 2nd Ron Paul 3rd. Jon Huntsman

Mitt Romney won new Hampshire which was fairly self evident. I didn't except Santourm to get even get a double percent in New Hampshire but somehow he got over ten percent. Again with Ron Paul? The racist pot head? Jon Huntsman was someone I expected to place within the top three in one or two primaries but never really get any further. And Rick Perry... Spending millions and millions of dollars and receiving less than one percent of the vote. I do not understand why he hasn't dropped out.

South Carolina:
Gingrich win's South Carolina with Romney in second and Santourm in third. Now Santourm and Gingrich both having a win over Romney. Gingrich has the debating skills to beat Obama and is probably smarter than Romney and Santorum put together. However, as evident by his support crew leaving him, he is a very selfish person and cares only about himself.

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